An unprecedented number of Doctor Who license holders have come together to make the ambitious Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious possible?
What’s going on? A three Doctor (and Rose) transmedia project.
There will be new Doctor Who audio, novels and comic books that feature the 8th (Paul McGann), 9th (Christopher Eccleston) and 10th (David Tennant) that will – somehow – also tie-in with new vinyl, digital products, games and immersive theatre. Oh, and escape rooms.
The new time war, as it is being billed, kicks off in September and will last 12 weeks. Products and other experiences that complement Time Lord Victorius will keep on going on until January 2021. COVID-19 allowing, I assume.
The story has three of the Doctors and Rose fighting in the Dark Times at the start of the universe to try and defend it from a terrible race.
The announcement on Doctor Who TV does not mention the BBC, just BBC Books, but also Penguin Random House, Doctor Who Magazine, Titan Comics (who have the comic license), Escape Hunt (who I assume do the escape rooms), Big Finish (audio drama) and Immersive Everywhere (I presume the immersive theatre).
I’ve reached out to Cubicle 7, the RPG license owners, to see if they’re involved but they are unlikely to have relationships outside the mothership of BBC HQ.